martes, 18 de septiembre de 2007

The Darkest Hour

Preface to my next book.


Know, reader, that the chronicles here compiled were entrusted to me under terms of absolute secrecy. Even in the moment in which this warning is being written, the source of such disturbingly powerful images remains obscure to me.
As if they are real or not, I will leave it upon your good judgment to decide. But mark my words: standards are brutally violated here. We trust writers, we read their works hopping to be affected by the images they show us, but knowing that it will never get too serious. The images here enclosed are not the case. There can be no rational response to what you are about to experience.

Prior to publishing, excerpts from this book were given to a random selection of readers, as a means of improvement. It was thought, by some, that this book would open gates into the unknown. Danger, they say, lurks within these pages…at least that’s what some of us could understand amidst the demented babbling of the raving lunatics, before they proceeded to suicide en masse. So we concluded that this book, real or not, is definitely a weapon. Not precisely a photographic description of the uncanny, but a preview of the side effects it will immediately unleash upon the observer.

The sponsors of this work found that metus gravis is not a condition that can be compared to love or hate, for it does not necessarily depend upon a relationship of parts to be.
Pure fear is primeval. It silently waits beneath the comforts of every major city in the world, patient and true, alive in the darkest corners of our civilization, which was built upon its denial. This book will remove the veil in your eyes and show it to you, and what you will see will return your psyche to the pure state of madness from which it originated.

So, reader, if it is your wish to remain within the fragile comfort of your glass prison, read no further.
This is not for your eyes to see.
And if you wish to proceed fed by innocent curiosity, be not mistaken: There is no avoiding what here is withheld. Darkness is very wise.

Be warned.

1 comentario:

simon dijo...

well written, interesting, and beautiful blog.
I thought about including a link to your site on my blog.

if you ever get the chance, come visit me back


my blog is (not nearly as superficial as it sounds ;-) )